Why I Worry Less
I have always wondered why people get worried and depressed. I have lost loved ones, I have been betrayed by trusted friends, I have been disappointed and I had several knockdowns. Yes, I have been through things. I know what it is to go through tough moments. In this post, I just want to share 5 things that got me going in those depressing moments.
1. We Don’t Choose What Happens to Us.
The more I keep asking questions like why me, not at this time, not again, only me etc, I quickly remember the fact that we don’t choose things that happen to us. The only thing we get to choose is our reaction to what happens to us. Even if I ask all the questions, what has happened has happened already. My point is this, everything that happens to you may not be your doing. For the ones that are our faults, we need to watch our steps and correct them but for some, we totally have no control. My brother, my sister worrying over something you don’t have control over ?. I personally won’t blame myself for something I have no control over. This is not in any way suggesting we neglect the responsibility of things we are to do or should have done.
2. The World Is Controlled By A Higher Power.
If you are a Christian then you know this very well
“The earth is the Lord’s, and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it;” — Psalm 24:1
The above verse in the Bible suggests the whole earth is for God and everything that is in it. If you think about this carefully then there is no need to worry at all. Someone owns the world and everything in it, so what is there to worry about. The car you have is indirectly not yours, it is pointless worrying. Even according to the text above, you as a human is own by someone. Your life is borrowed. I will say this, if things are own by someone else then if things aren’t going on well I would rather report back to the owner. I won’t worry myself trying to fix it.
3. Worry Doesn’t Change Anything.
If you really think through everything, you will realize that our worries don’t change anything. I remember back in the Univerisity during my final year project defence, I was worried about how the outcome would be. Can you imagine? Several thoughts came to mind. At some point, I felt I wasn’t prepared. But the truth of the matter is I was just a few minutes away from the presentation, ready or not ready I still will do it anyway. My worry at that point was not going to push the date forward. Eventually, I did present and it was glorious. The question is what was all those worries about. The Bible has something to say about this,
“Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.” — Philippians 4:6
4. Worry Affects Your Health.
I don't have to be a doctor to know that worry has a negative health implication. I have seen the appearances of people change because they have been worried. I have seen BP’s rise because of worry. One thing you need to know is that have the one body to carry you through life. Should God grant you 90 years on earth, it is the same body that you have. Give your body some treat by not worrying too much. Laugh and stop the worry, forget the worries. Jesus said this about worry,
Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes. — Matthew 6:25
5. You Are Not The Only One Going Through It.
Most often when we go through situations, we think that it is peculiar to us and that we are the only ones in that situation. It took me a great deal of time to know that, you are not the only one in the situation you find yourself in. I came across a scripture some years back, it reads
No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it. — 1 Corinthians 10:13
For a moment I felt it was not true. Then something interesting happened to me. We were one day having a discussion, listening to what my friends were sharing suggested that either they were going through something similar or they had gone through it. I have a strong opinion that there is nothing new under this sun. I formed this opinion after reading the text,
What has been will be again,
what has been done will be done again;
there is nothing new under the sun. — Ecclesiastes 1:9
This explains the fact that there is really nothing new under the sun. Friend stop thinking that what you are going through is unique. Knowing that you are not the only one in the situation gives some level of relief.
To save time for another post, friend life is short as they always say. Do not spend your precious moments thinking and worrying over something you cannot change. I am not in any way saying it is easy, all am saying is that take it easy and relax. For all, you know you have only today. Any time you see yourself getting drawn in some worries of life, get up, buy yourself your favourite drink 🍷 and say YOLO (You Only Live Once).