Setting Up For SwiftUI
I have been doing IOS development for some years now. Storyboard approach to building UI’s has always not been my favourite. My problem with storyboards is how you have to resolve git version conflicts especially if you are collaborating on projects as a team. Usually, the code generated behind the storyboard scene is something most of us do not understand.
I was super excited when I read about flutter. Building my first flutter app was pretty simple and I love the experience. I have shared my post about flutter here. Until just yesterday Swift UI was released. Just for once I agree with Apple on this approach. The aim of this post is to take you through how you can transition from the view controller-based approach of building apps to the swift UI approach.
Setting Up For Swift 5, Xcode 11 beta and SwiftUI
Before you can start developing with the new swift UI, you have to be running the new mac os 10.15, Catalina. To check your mac os version,
- Click on the Apple Icon
- Click “About This Mac”
Or Quickly press Command + Space to bring up your spotlight search bar. Then type “About This Mac” and hit enter when you find some Compass Like Icon.
To download Mac Os 10.15 Beta Catalina, use this link and to download Xcode 11 Beta use think link. You need apple id to be able to do downloads.
After you have downloaded all these things, we can now start the development process.
Setting Up Your Project
After download the MacOs 10.15 and Xcode 11 Beta, we are good to go now. The next thing is to create a new project. When creating the project make sure you select “Use SwiftUI”
At this point, you are fully set and ready to enjoy the new SwiftUI. Follow me here because we are about embarking on the SwiftUI journey together. I have received a few contracts already and I want to use the new SwiftUI to build the apps. I promise it will be an exciting journey together.