Sales order on KudiGo Storefront — Version 1.4.4
KudiGo Storefront is one of the products from KudiGo Inc. This product helps businesses manage inventory, do proper accounting, keep customers records and accept payment. Simply put, its one suit that helps you manage your business. If you don’t have an account, just head here and download.
On the KudiGo Storefront app, you will see things like Sales Orders, Products, Customers, Agents, Payments, Suppliers, and Reports. This is because the app is built to encourage shop owner to adhere to good business practices.
In this post, I will take you through the process of placing a sales order on KudiGo Storefront. To place a sales order in KudiGo Storefront means you have completely sold an item to a customer using any of our payment methods Cash, Card, QR, Paycode, Mobile Money and USSD depending on the country you are operating from.
To start placing a sales order, you should have products in your shop on Storefront. If you do not have products, you will not be able to make sales orders. Also, it is worth knowing that if your items have quantities not more than 0, Except for service products, you will not be able to place sales orders.
KudiGo Storefront allows two main kinds of products, Physical products, and Service products. Physical products are those that can be counted and may or may not expire. Service products include products that cannot be counted, for instance, hair cut, laundry services, etc. Any product that cannot be counted physically into quantities is classified as a service product on Storefront.
With products in your shop, all you need to do is head over to your Storefront app and tap on Sales Order, you would be presented with a screen with all your products.
1. Adding Products To Cart
At this stage, you do what is popularly know as adding to cart. This can be done in two ways. By tapping the product or by scanning the product.
Tapping Product
Tap on each product the customer wants to purchase. Tapping on the product adds the product to the list of items the customer wants to purchase. Tapping the same product again will increase the quantity the customer wants to purchase. For example, if a customer wants to buy “3 Units of Milk”, all I need to do is look for the product by searching for “Milk” in the search bar provided above. KudiGo Storefront will suggest all products with names close to name you entered. Once you see your product, just tap on it and it will be added to the list of items the customer wants to buy.
Barcode Scanning
Adding a product by scanning a QR code. At the top right corner of your app, you will see a QR icon. tap on it to open your scanner or camera. Now focus your camera on the QR of the item you want to scan. The system will automatically add the product to list of items the customer wants to purchase if it is available in your inventory and only if you have done the scanning when taking stock.
Once you are done with the scanning or tapping to add product, you click done. You should see a list of items you selected on your screen now. Storefront shows you the total cost of items and the VAT value as well. You can proceed to the next stage by clicking the “PROCESS ORDER” button. But before then if you need to change the quantity, you either click the “+” or “-” icon to do that. If you want to change the value manually too, click the quantity area and you will have a popup to change the quantity. If you need to go back to select products, click the “+” button at the top right corner to select more products. To remove a product that was added mistakenly, swipe left or click the “bin” icon. Click the process order button to proceed.
2. Adding Customer Information
At this point, you are expected to enter customer information depending on the payment method you are selecting. For credit payment, customer information is required. It is usually good practice to enter customer information. Storefront uses this data to keep track of all the visits the customer makes to your shop. Also in cases of credit payment, Storefront sends reminders to the customer on the pending payments they have to make to your shop. SMS receipts are sent to the customer is sent to the number provided at the customer section. It is worth noting that, KudiGo Storefront send a unique link in the SMS detailing the purchase made by the customer. SMS receipts are only sent if the agent performing the action is connected to active internet. All receipts printed on our devices can be scanned to see the detail of the orders placed. After the customer information, select a payment method to proceed to the final stage.
3. Placing Sales Order
Whilst on this screen, there are a few things you can do, you can either give a discount, enter the amount tendered in, change the date the order is going to be placed, change the next payment date, print receipt or place the order.
Give Discount
On Storefront, you can decide to give a discount to a loyal customer. All you need to do is enter the discount you want to give out; this is not a percentage value but the actual value of the discount. Only agents with the right permission can give a discount. Take note of the fact that, the discount will be deducted from the total item cost when processing the order.
Cash Tendered In
Cash tendered represents the amount the customer gives the agents if the order is processed as cash. If no value is provided, Storefront will use the total cost of items as the cash tendered in.
Order Date
All sales orders placed on Storefront are recorded against the time stamp of the device placing the order. This means if your device date is wrong you might be recording in the worn date and time. To avoid this, Storefront alerts users if it notices a date-time that is likely not accurate. You can also change the date of the Sales Order by clicking your menu icon and selecting “Set Order Date”. This allows you to choose the right date for your order. This is very useful to those who want to add records of sales they have made before acquiring the KudiGo Storefront.
Change Next Payment Date
For credit sales, the default next repayment date is +7days. You can change this by tapping the red date on the order screen. This allows you to modify the default value.
Print Receipts
Because of the numerous feedbacks on receipts printing, people using devices can click on the print icon at the top right corner of the app to print as many receipts as possible of the order.
Place Sales Order
Finally, you can click on the “PLACE ORDER” button to complete the order. Even if you do not have internet you can still place the order. For payment options, Storefront will show the right payment option after placing the sales order. For card, the customer may have to input their card and enter their pin to complete the action. For USSD orders the customer may have to dial the code. And for QR, the customer has to scan the QR generated. For mobile money payment, a prompt is sent to the customer's phone using the phone number provided on the customer information screen.
In rare cases of failure in a transaction, the sales agents can do the following Cancel The Sales Order, Try Transaction Again or Accept Cash Instead.
This is the 21st century and we say do business the Smart Way. If you are still not able to place a sales order after reading this post, kindly contact support on +233575399000 or +233307074353.